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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Photo Captions Welcome!

This photo was taken of me yesterday while I was enjoying a delicious bowl of cold water. There I was slurping away when all of a sudden I hear the snap of the paparazzi (what else is new) capturing my every move). Sheesh what does a superstar bulldog like me need to do to get a break?

My caption for this photo was: "Sure I'll share some my my nice cold water...You don't mind a little dog drool in it, do you?"

Anyone have a better caption for this picture of me? I might just have a surprise for a random submission from here and on my Facebook page~


Anonymous said...

I dont usually drink water, but when I do... its tap. Most Interesting Bulldog InThe World!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Pawparazzi is outta control
Benny & Lily