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OK. I get it.
A lot of you guys don't have blogs.
Not even dog blogs.
So this is what we're gonna do...
GIVEAWAY: Petco Gift Coupons for 30 Pounds of Natural Balance Pet Food & a Case of Tillman's Treats (Everybody loves them. I don't think there's a dog that doesn't love them. I'm pretty sure.)
AND you get to choose a No Kill Animal Shelter or Rescue to receive 1000 POUNDS of Natural Balance Pet Food!
Giveaway is open to everyone over 18, except where prohibited, with the proviso that coupons and food can only be shipped within the continental US. If you live elsewhere, you're welcome to enter, and if you win, you can donate the prizes to a US friend and shelter/rescue & be a hero! BOL!
Just leave a comment to this post, telling me what your favorite animal movie is - past or present - and why! Be sure to include your email address or you can include your Twitter ID - as long as follow me @TillmanSkates so I can notify you if you win.
If you do have a blog - Link it in your comment, so folks can check it out!
It's Tuesday only though! Ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time tonight, so enter now!
Good Luck!
My favorite animal movie is Marley and Me. It hit me as such an accurate portrayal of the trials and tribulations of not only owning a pet, but family and everyday life as well. I laughed, I cried, and I hugged my dog tight.
My favorite Animal Movie is SeaBiscuit because all animals deserve a chance to succeed at what they do best, no matter how long it takes. Loving & believing in them brings huge results.
Tough one but I'll go with "My Dog Skip." Really showed the connection between a child (person) and a dog. The dog has a huge positive impact on the entire community as well as the young, initially introverted, boy. Spoiler alert: "I almost lost old Skip that day. Even as he was sleeping on the operating table, he was still teaching me." @Lennyg10
I'd say "Eight Below" because it was so dramatic and riveting.
Thanks for the chance!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
my favorite movie is marley and me. it was so touching and great to see how a family connects with a dog and what he means to everyone. it is the same way with my dog and the family. it was sad, but really great. @sgumer sgumer at gmail dot com
Hmmm, my favorite animal movie is Puss in Boots cos he's so cute! You can view my blog http://www.stunningkeisha.com/. I'm @CathyKeisha on Twitter. I have a few favorite Rescues that I'd LOVE to donate the Natural Balance to. xoxo
In Real life I spend all my time with my animals, that is to balance my life. My Film Dreams, where I am the Director...I don't see films with animals. It would be stretching the truth to say I have a fav animal film, but Due South, Narnia Golden Compass, or even Ratatouille, unless of course District 13 counts. A Little Bird sent me I am @Unchat http://filmstudiofaux.blogspot.com
My favorite animal movie is Lassie Come Home with Mickey Rooney. I like it because it teaches us about loyalty, love, loss and caring for each other. I'd love to donate the food to @feral_fanciers a small TNR group in central Florida. Their website is http://feralfanciers.org
My favorite dog movie is My Dog Skip. Makes me want to howl just thinking about it. Skip was a loyal, faithful friend. All you can ask for in a dog. I'll never forget him. Cinny Cockapoo. @teamcockapoo
I don't usually go to see movies with animals in them. For some reason, it seems Hollywood has a need to show an animal getting hurt and/or killed. And even though I know the animals are not really hurt, it upsets me and ruins the movie.
Recently I took a chance and went to see "We Bought A Zoo"! Best Decision EVER!! What a great, uplifting movie. Everyone in the theater walked out smiling, me included. I would highly recommend this movie to everybody. Just a real good "feel good" movie.
My twitter ID is hbdebbie, and I would donate the 1000 lbs of food to Southern California Bulldog Rescue.
Thank you.
Hi, Tillman!!!
Our favorite animal movie of all time is "Born Free." It is a classic and timeless.
If we win, we would donate the 1/2 ton of food to Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue. I have been involved with them for about 15 years. Chase and my late Charles came to me from them. They do a fantastic job with Danes in-need and would greatly appreciate the food.
We do have a blog -- http://ray6955.blogspot.com/ -- and hope to post regularly. Please stop by and take a quick peek.
It was great to TWEET with you "live" after "Who Let The Dogs Out" on Saturday and up to the start of #PawPawty. You were most kind to everyone *AND* were also extremely generous. Thank you for being so thoughtful and involved with the #anipals on TWITTER.
Hope you have a wonderful day, our friend! Give everyone a huge WOOF and HUG from us ... especially your assistant, Eric! =;-) HOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ...
Benji (the original) would have to be my favorite. The movie just brings back wonderful memories from long ago.
Hey Tillman,
Underdog (2007) is my favorite animal movie! It's hard to pick just one movie, but Underdog is a very cute movie with a few good laughs in it. Shoeshine, the dog star of the movie, will steal your heart. It's a movie that has both a sweet story, and a funny side. If you haven't yet seen Underdog, it's something you should defiantly put on your movie night list.
-Melissa Jolene
and Riley
Dr Dolittle, because I like Eddie Murphy and think it would be cool to talk to the animals.
craigers4u at yahoo dot com
Turner and Hooch is one of my all time favorite movies. Hooch cracks me up, and I love Tom Hanks' character's reaction to him at the beginning (and the bond that develops later on between the two). The trouble Hooch gets into is hysterical, and makes me laugh every time I watch it.
eastcoastgirl09 @ hotmail (dot) com
I love "Benji the Hunted". Benji takes care of four cougar cubs, trying to reunite them with their mom. He even purposely keeps from letting himself be rescued until the cubs are taken care of. Such selflessness - it's the way the world should be.
"Thomasina" is our favorite movie and mom just read the book it's based on! My brofur has a blog and you should read it! http://cheshireloveskarma.wordpress.com I TWEET @NutmegTorby Mom types for us BOTH.
Izak & I love Marley & Me and Marmaduke! Our email is barinkaa@yahoo.com
Love the show!!
That is a tough question to answer. There are so many animal movies. I love Seabiscuit and Secretariat. Of course you can't forget all of the great Disney animation movies from 101 Dalmatians to Finding Nemo. I enjoyed Marley and Me for a dog movie, and my kids love Garfield for the both the animated Garfield to Odie.
I guess there are just too many to list or choose from.
You can find me @EvSTyson
My favorite animal movie is Turner and Hooch! My email is brennsoph@yahoo.com
Watership Down - learing that you can get through just about anything as long as your with family and friends.
Hi Tillman, my favorite dog movie is Turner & Hooch it shows how much heart even the big lugs have. & that they'll always win you over somehow ;) my e-mail is info@flirtpunkloo.ca or twitter @flirtpunkloo :))
Hi Tillman,
My choice is all the versions of Dr. Dolittle becuase I would absolutely love it, if animals could talk. Then I would not have to make up what they are all saying all the time :) gunnymolly@hotmail.com
Hi Tillman. I really liked Zeus and Roxanne. Its about the bond between a dog and a dolphin. twitter account is @eskie_mommy
Kung Fu Panda! :) I love the zen message of the whole story. :)
My favorite animal movie as a child was Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. I loved that the animals had thoughts & ideas (just like I always imagined them having.) And was so happy when they made it home to their family at the end. Twitter ID: sdukas.
I loved all the movies already listed, but I have always had a thing for Disney animations. I think that the Aristocats would have to be my favorite, because I just love cats! @BZTAT
Hey Tillman,
My favorite animal movie is Hachi: A Dog's Tale. It's such a sweet tale of a dog's unconditional love for his master, even after he passed away. It is very heartbreaking and I love it.
I also have a blog (www.GracieLuShihTzu.com), which you already know and a Twitter. @GracieluShihTzu
GODZILLA iz ma favorite animal movie!
O wait guess himz not a real animal huh? den I hab to sez Charlotte's Web. My humanz lubbed dat piggy n spider growing up. Dey sends a positive message.
My favorite animal movies are "Fly Away Home" and "Dolphin Tale". Both show the bond between wild/free animals and humans. I admit I cried during "Dolphin Tale" to see a dolphin inspire and bring hope to children with disabilities. Thus proving anything is possible when you put your mind to it.
TwitterId: pghemtchick
The buddies movies are really good. Snow buddies space buddies treasure buddies Santa buddies. We love those movies my little girls and us watch them.
My favorite is UnderDog! I think it's cute- and I find the puns amusing. :)
BongoDoggie and moms favorite movie is Benji the orignal 1974 movie.It was the very first movie mom saw as a young child.She laughed she cried.It is a movie you can never forget.The movie is about a homeless dog who saves kidnapped cawhildren.It is so heart warming.BongoDoggie was adopted just over a year ago.He was almost 8 yrs old at the time.He came from a hoarder farm where he was beaten and abused.He went through adoptions before mom got him.He was given up because he was too hard to handle,needed to much attention.He even ran away from his last home because he was beaten.BongoDoggie was put on the kill list.Mom adopted him and saved him.BongoDoggie is moms first doggie and she can't tell you how much she loves him and he loves her.It is the best love she can find.BongoDoggie has been through allot but has come along way.He is happy and healthy.The movie Bengi reminds me of BongoDoggies life a bit.How greatful I am to be so lucky to have BongoDoggie in my life.He means the world to me. Hugs BongoDoggie and mom.We don t have a blog but we have family Face Book CookieMan Cat Home and @BongoDoggie is on twitter.Hugss...
Our favorite animal movie is Babe, we can watch it a gazillion times!
I have two favorite animal movies. Lady and the Tramp because I've loved that movie since I was a young child, and Best in Show because it's hilarious.
My favorite is Bolt. My grandson and I have watched it what seems like or may really be, a hundred tines Holly Mathias thm2@swbell.net
My favorite animal movie is Black Beauty. I love horses and it was my favorite book growing up. The movie is wonderful.
my favorite animal movie is Hotel For Dogs i remember i saw it on HBO and its was so kewl because the kids was helping all those dogs and started their own business in a closed hotel walking and feeding dogs proving they could do it my tweeter is https://twitter.com/#!/truthistold and brownie saids hi it was nice to meet you guys
I still love Homeward Bound. About a rescue dog, a retriever, and a cat who seek out their family after being left on a farm. It demonstrates animals attachment to people and people's to animals. And as a kid when this movie came out, I felt like this movie explained animals in a way that I could understand. Avsparks24@gmail. Com
My favorite animal movie is the one I made of my dogs running around the backyard in the snow! Does that count? :) If not, then Charlotte's Web. I still want a pet pig because of that movie. @Twigglet2
My favorite animal movie is Lassie Come Home. It shows you how smart and loyal dogs are and that's why I have always loved dogs (I have 6 rescues : ) I follow you on Twitter @ShellChis.
should i win this would be my choice that gets 1000 POUNDS of Natural Balance Pet Food! dogswithoutborders.org
we are Now Praying we are the Lucky winners But we would Rather win Your RV to Live In :+} if Tillman wants to live with brownie instead of you that will be kewl with me as i will have two stars and one that can ride a skate board then brownie will be on tv as Tillman and brownie will always be together :+} sorry wishful thinking.....
I got in! Thanks Tillman for helping out :) Our favorite animal movie is G-Force so far. We don't watch that many movies QOL @georgetheduck
Okay, well obviously we have to say Marmaduke but we'd also really like to say Scooby Doo the cartoon series (but that's not really a movie). Anyway, we are kind of partial to Great Dane flicks. Tillman, it's cool you've got your own show man! Keep rockin' it!
Our favorite movie is Cats and Dogs. We love watching the anipals solve problems and work together! We are on twitter @casperthekat
Love you Tillman!
HI Tillman sweety!
Our favorite here is Dr Dolittle. The original of course with the big snail, push-me-pull you, and the whole thing. There are so many other greats too. Thank you *pawhugs* TPC
Hi Tillman,
My all time favorite movie that i love and enjoy is Jurassic Park, I remember watching it everyday on VHS for a whole year...then my VHS got messed up. I made my parents buy me a new one haha. I love it because i've always loved dinosaurs. Jedi really enjoys to watch the dinosaurs on TV he just stares..its adorable.
here is Jedi's twitter: @Jedi_surfs
Thanks for all that you do.
Hi Tillman
This is @toughteddybear from twitter. don't know if I'm in time for the giveaway but just had to say my favorite anipal movie is "Puss In Boots". Because he's so funny & has a strong female partner.
It is so hard for me to choose my favorite anipal movie, so I will mention 3 disney movies from my childhood. thomasina I loved because she became a goddess. Old Yeller tore my heart out. And the incredible journey showed the dedication of animals.
WooHoo!! Mine too!!!
And the winner from random.org is.... Dum Da Dum Dum...! @ghoptx2!! Congrats!!
Those are all great movies! This was more fun than a regular blog hop. We'll keep doing it like this every week!
Come back next Tuesday to play again for the same prize - and be sure to LIKE me at www.facebook.com/tillmanskates, where every LIKE = a donation to a no kill animal shelter! Woof!!
Congrats too. I did post this at a bunch of different No Kill facebook pages because of the takedown at Caboodle ranch (600 cats allegedly rescued), a least one of the no kills participating is asking for help, so I don't know why it wasn't flooded with entries! Odds are better than the Casino, and no money out! Thanks Natural Balance also!
drdoolitle but the original..any dog movie is inpsiring- I love movies and shows that are clean and help kids connect mom4everever twitter
i love to watch " Lassie " the TV show when i was a kid . It was always amazing to watch the adventures of Lassie :) I’ll never forget the last episode ,It was an incredible tear-jerker!
schwabach at mail dot com
OMG! That's awesome, the rescue I adopted Hazel Nut from could use the food!! Thanks!
That was my favorite movie too!! :)
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