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Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Collectable Trading Cards

I just love being a famous celebrity dog. It is such a blast to meet fans, ride my skateboard and make kids smile too. I'm especially proud of my Collectable Trading Cards too. Lots of people write to me asking how to get one. Usually I have them at special events and give them away FREE. But over the next few days I'll be giving some away to fans online... so stay tuned to my Pinterest boards, Twitter posts and Facebook took. Oh yeah, and right here on my blog for more info on how to get one of my cards for FREE!


Cathy Keisha said...

Were you at the Bark in the Park in Oakland the other night. They had over 700 dogs before the Yankee game.

Two French Bulldogs said...

yea, well we have your card and poster hanging in our room
Benny & Lily