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Friday, July 13, 2012

TDIF...Ready for the Weekend!

TDIF. (Thank Dog its Friday). I'm so ready for the weekend I can taste it. Must be the heat, it makes the week seem so much longer don't you think? I had a lot of fun with my new Cool Cats Gallery on Pinterest yesterday...got a bunch of cool pictures to pin on that board of my crazy cat fans! Tomorrow is Caturday so I'll be back again with more Cool Cats stuff. But right now,  I'm thinking about asking dad to borrow the RV. I could use a relaxing weekend to kick back and chill.

How about you? Any weekend plans with your pets?


Two French Bulldogs said...

We are ready for the weekend too
Benny & Lily

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Tillman, on the weekend I like to chill out with my Daddy cause I don't see him as much during the week. We like to watch fishing shows and sports together and snuggle with snacks.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Loveys Sasha